Browsing by Author "Martin, Alberto, 1974-"

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  • Martin, Alberto, 1974- (2009-01-01)
  • Martin, Alberto, 1974- (2010-12-01)
    We analyze a standard environment of adverse selection in credit markets. In our environment, entrepreneurs who are privately informed about the quality of their projects need to borrow in order to invest. Conventional ...
  • Martin, Alberto, 1974- (2008-04-01)
    We analyze a standard environment of adverse selection in credit markets. In our environment, entrepreneurs who are privately informed about the quality of their projects need to borrow from banks. Conventional wisdom ...
  • Martin, Alberto, 1974-; Ventura, Jaume (2014-09-01)
    We live in a new world economy characterized by financial globalization and historically low interest rates. This paper presents a simple analytical framework that helps us understand how this new world economy works from ...
  • Martin, Alberto, 1974-; Ventura, Jaume (Banco Central de Chile, 2015)
    We live in a new world economy characterized by financial globalization and historically low interest rates. This paper presents a simple analytical framework that helps us understand how this new world economy works from ...
  • Martin, Alberto, 1974-; Mayordomo, Sergio; Vanasco, Victoria (2023-12-11)
    Governments often support private credit with guarantee schemes, compensating lenders for borrower defaults. Such schemes often rely on banks to allocate guarantees among borrowers, but how banks do so is not well understood. ...
  • Gennaioli, Nicola; Martin, Alberto, 1974-; Rossi, Stefano (2013-07-01)
    We analyze empirically the holdings of sovereign bonds by over 20,000 banks in 191 countries, and the role of these bonds in 20 sovereign defaults over 1998-2012. We document two robust facts. First, banks hold many ...
  • Gennaioli, Nicola; Martin, Alberto, 1974-; Rossi, Stefano (Elsevier, 2018)
    This paper analyzes sovereign bondholdings by 20,000 banks in 191 countries and 20 sovereign default episodes over 1998–2012, establishing two robust facts. First, banks hold many government bonds (on average 9% of assets) ...
  • Asriyan, Vladimir; Laeven, Luc; Martin, Alberto, 1974- (2018-11-20)
    We develop a new theory of information production during credit booms. In our model, entrepreneurs need credit to undertake investment projects, some of which enable them to divert resources towards private consumption. ...
  • Martin, Alberto, 1974-; Ventura, Jaume (2003-11-01)
    We develop a stylized model of economic growth with bubbles. In this model, changes in investor sentiment lead to the appearance and collapse of macroeconomic bubbles or pyramid schemes. We show how these bubbles mitigate ...
  • Martin, Alberto, 1974- (2004-11-01)
  • Broner, Fernando; Martin, Alberto, 1974-; Ventura, Jaume (2007-08-01)
  • Ghifrani, Erfan (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2022-11-18)
    Agents make decisions under uncertainty. They are not only uncertain about the true realizations of variables of interest, but also about their degree of uncertainty. Using survey of business uncertainty, I study firms’ ...
  • Tang, Haozhou (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2018-01-16)
    This thesis aims to better understand the interplay between financial markets and firm dynamics. In the first chapter I study the firm-level implications of asset bubbles. I relax the no-Ponzi-game condition in a model with ...
  • Williams, Tomás (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2017-06-16)
    This thesis provides an empirical investigation of international capital flows and how they affect financial markets and economic activity, with a focus on capital flows from benchmarked investors. In the first chapter, ...
  • Ambrocio, Gene (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2015-10-22)
    This dissertation focuses on learning and expectations formation in Macroeconomics and Finance and the role of information production in shaping macroeconomic fluctuations. The first chapter provides a theory of information ...
  • Tripathy, Jagdish (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2016-12-21)
    This dissertation includes three chapters on the macroeconomic effects of the financial system, particularly the credit market. In the first chapter, I show a causal link between household credit supply and economic ...
  • Manea, Cristina (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2020-11-04)
    In my PhD thesis, I extend the basic New Keynesian (NK) model (Galí (2015), Woodford (2003)) on three distinct dimensions. (i) In the first chapter, I introduce endogenous money creation by private banks (``inside-money''). ...
  • Martin, Alberto, 1974-; Ventura, Jaume (2012-09-01)
  • Martin, Alberto, 1974-; Moral-Benito, Enrique; Schmitz, Tom (American Economic Association, 2021)
    How does a housing boom affect credit to non-housing firms? Using bank, firm, and loan-level microdata, we show that the Spanish housing boom reduced non-housing credit growth during its first years, but stimulated it later ...

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