Browsing by Author "Cos Aguilera, Ignasi"

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  • Riquelme Esteve, Andrea (2021-10-27)
    Our everyday life is plenty of social interactions, but there are still many unknowns about the mechanisms supporting them. The current dissertation aims to explore the neurocognitive processes that underlie interactions ...
  • Marcos Sanmartín, Encarni; Cos Aguilera, Ignasi; Girard, Benoît; Verschure, Paul F. M. J. (Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2015)
    Perceptual decision making has been widely studied using tasks in which subjects are asked to discriminate a visual stimulus and instructed to report their decision with a movement. In these studies, performance is measured ...
  • Marti Marca, Angela; Deco, Gustavo; Cos Aguilera, Ignasi (Nature Research, 2020)
    Motor decision-making is often described as a sequential process, beginning with the assessment of available options and leading to the execution of a selected movement. While this view is likely to be accurate for decisions ...

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