Browsing by Author "Montserrat, Silvia"

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  • Gabrielli, Luigi; Bijnens, Bart; Butakoff, Constantine; Duchateau, Nicolas; Montserrat, Silvia; Merino, Beatriz; Gutierrez, Josep Antoni; Paré, Carles; Mont, Lluís; Brugada, Josep; Sitges, Marta (Springer, 2014)
    Purpose Highly trained athletes have an increased risk of atrial arrhythmias. Atrial geometrical and functional remodeling may be the underlying substrate. We analyze and relate atrial size, deformation and performance ...
  • Sitges, Marta; Merino, Beatriz; Butakoff, Constantine; Sanz de la Garza, Maria; Paré, Carles; Montserrat, Silvia; Vidal, Barbara; Azqueta, Manel; Sarquella-Brugada, Georgia; Gutierrez, Josep Antoni; Canal, Ramon; Brugada, Josep; Bijnens, Bart (Springer, 2017)
    Background: The significance and spectrum of reduced right ventricular (RV) deformation, reported in endurance athletes, is unclear. Purpose: to comprehensively analyze the cardiac performance at rest of athletes, especially ...
  • Loncaric, Filip; Marciniak, Maciej; Nunno, Loredana; Mimbrero, Maria; Fernandes, João, 1964-; Fabijanovic, Dora; Sanchis, Laura; Doltra, Adelina; Montserrat, Silvia; Cikes, Maja; Lamata, Pablo; Bijnens, Bart; Sitges, Marta (Springer, 2020)
    A index of non-invasive myocardial work (MWI) can account for pressure during the assessment of cardiac function, potentially separating the influence of loading conditions from the influence of the underlying tissue ...
  • Sanchis, Laura; Sanz de la Garza, Maria; Bijnens, Bart; Giraldeau, Geneviève; Grazioli, Gonzalo; Marin, Josefa; Gabrielli, Luigi; Montserrat, Silvia; Sitges, Marta (Taylor & Francis, 2017)
    Background: High-intensity training has been associated with atrial remodelling and arrhythmias in men. Our purpose was to analyse atrial performance in female endurance athletes, compared to male athletes and controls. ...

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