Browsing by Author "Germano, Fabrizio"

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  • Germano, Fabrizio; Zuazo-Garin, Peio (2012-06-01)
    We extend Aumann's [3] theorem, deriving correlated equilibria as a consequence of common priors and common knowledge of rationality, by explicitly allowing for non-rational behavior. We replace the assumption of common ...
  • Germano, Fabrizio; Zuazo-Garin, Peio (2015-02-01)
  • Germano, Fabrizio; Zuazo-Garin, Peio (Springer, 2017)
    We study an interactive framework that explicitly allows for nonrational behavior. We do not place any restrictions on how players’ behavior deviates from rationality, but rather, on players’ higher-order beliefs about the ...
  • Germano, Fabrizio; Meier, Martin (2010-12-01)
    Within a simple model of non-localized, Hotelling-type competition among arbitrary numbers of media outlets we characterize quality and content of media under different ownership structures. Assuming advertising-sponsored, ...
  • Germano, Fabrizio (Elsevier, 2022)
    A macro-evolutionary theory of income inequality is proposed that is based on a society’s dynamic income generating process. Two types of processes are distinguished, namely dispersing and concentrating ones. A basic result ...
  • Germano, Fabrizio; Lugosi, Gábor (2005-10-01)
    We show that every finite N-player normal form game possesses a correlated equilibrium with a precise lower bound on the number of outcomes to which it assigns zero probability. In particular, the largest games with a ...
  • Germano, Fabrizio; Lugosi, Gábor (2004-10-01)
    We construct an uncoupled randomized strategy of repeated play such that, if every player follows such a strategy, then the joint mixed strategy profiles converge, almost surely, to a Nash equilibrium of the one-shot game. ...
  • Cerigioni, Francesco; Germano, Fabrizio; Rey-Biel, Pedro; Zuazo-Garin, Peio (2019-08-10)
    Suport Tecnologic a la Recerca Pàgina no trobada L'adreça de la pàgina a la qual voleu accedir no és correcta, o bé la destinació d'aquest enllaç ha canviat d'adreça. Podeu enviar un missatge al webmàster tot indicant quina ...
  • Germano, Fabrizio (2008-12-01)
    Within the spokes model of Chen and Riordan (2007) that allows for non-localized competition among arbitrary numbers of media outlets, we quantify the effect of concentration of ownership on quality and bias of media ...
  • Germano, Fabrizio; Sobbrio, Francesco (2016-12-31)
    Ranking algorithms are the information gatekeepers of the Internet era. We develop a stylized framework to study the effects of ranking algorithms on opinion dynamics. We consider rankings that depend on popularity and on ...
  • Cianciaruso, Davide; Germano, Fabrizio (2011-09-01)
    By identifying types whose low-order beliefs up to level li about the state of nature coincide, we obtain quotient type spaces that are typically smaller than the original ones, preserve basic topological properties, ...
  • Germano, Fabrizio (2004-06-01)
    The evolution of boundedly rational rules for playing normal form games is studied within stationary environments of stochastically changing games. Rules are viewed as algorithms prescribing strategies for the different ...
  • Germano, Fabrizio; Gómez, Vicenç; Le Mens, Gaël (2019-02-01)
    Ranking algorithms play a crucial role in online platforms ranging from search engines to recommender systems. In this paper, we identify a surprising consequence of popularity-based rankings: the fewer the items reporting ...
  • Germano, Fabrizio; Gómez, Vicenç; Le Mens, Gaël (ACM Association for Computer Machinery, 2019)
    Ranking algorithms play a crucial role in online platforms ranging from search engines to recommender systems. In this paper, we identify a surprising consequence of popularity-based rankings: the fewer the items reporting ...
  • Alaoui, Larbi; Germano, Fabrizio (2012-12-01)
    We develop a theory of news coverage in environments of information abundance. Time-constrained consumers browse through news items across competing outlets. They choose which outlets to access and which stories to read ...
  • Germano, Fabrizio; Zuazo-Garin, Peio (2015-02-01)
  • Germano, Fabrizio; Weinstein, Jonathan; Zuazo-Garin, Peio (2016-12-16)
    Predictions under common knowledge of payoffs may differ from those under arbitrarily, but finitely, many orders of mutual knowledge; Rubinstein's (1989) Email game is a seminal example. Weinstein and Yildiz (2007) showed ...
  • Germano, Fabrizio; Weinstein, Jonathan; Zuazo-Garin, Peio (Econometric Society, 2019)
    Predictions under common knowledge of payoffs may differ from those under arbitrarily, but finitely, many orders of mutual knowledge; Rubinstein's (1989)Email game is a seminal example. Weinstein and Yildiz (2007) showed ...
  • Ellman, Matthew; Germano, Fabrizio (2004-12-01)

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