Morales del Castillo, José Manuel, 1974-Pedraza, RafaelRuiz Rodríguez, Antonio ÁngelPeis, EduardoHerrera-Viedma, Enrique2011-11-282011-11-282010Morales J, Pedraza R, Ruíz A, Peis E, Herrera E. A semantic model of selective dissemination of information for digital libraries. Information Technology and Libraries. 2009; 28(1): 21-300730-9295 this paper we present the theoretical and methodological/nfoundations for the development of a multi-agent/nSelective Dissemination of Information (SDI) service/nmodel that applies Semantic Web technologies for specialized/ndigital libraries. These technologies make possible/nachieving more efficient information management,/nimproving agent–user communication processes, and/nfacilitating accurate access to relevant resources. Other/ntools used are fuzzy linguistic modelling techniques/n(which make possible easing the interaction between/nusers and system) and natural language processing/n(NLP) techniques for semiautomatic thesaurus generation./nAlso, RSS feeds are used as “current awareness bulletins”/nto generate personalized bibliographic alerts.application/pdfeng© 1995 American Library Association. All materials in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Association may be copied for the non-commercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement granted by Sections 107-108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. For other reprinting, photocopying, or translating, address requests to the ALA Office of Rights and Permissions. Published article is available at semànticaBiblioteques digitalsTractament del llenguatge natural (Informàtica)Lògica borrosaA semantic model of selective dissemination of information for digital librariesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/articleRSS feedsFuzzy linguistic modelingSDI servicesSemantic WebDigital librariesNatural Language Processinginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess