Silva-Peñaherrera, MichaelBenavides, Fernando G. (Fernando García)López Ruiz, María, 1982-Merino Salazar, Pamela Alexandra, 1978-Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament de Ciències Experimentals i de la Salut2024-03-162024-03-162021-04-092021-04-092021-03-24 To examine health inequities in the working population of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) according to sex, age, level of study, occupation and formality or informality in employment. Methods: We collected microdata from the most recent national working conditions surveys, national health surveys, official registries and national statistics institutes, as well as data from international organizations. We harmonized and recoded datasets in order to make data comparable between countries, to the extent possible. We estimated health inequity gaps by means of simple and complex measures of inequity calculating absolute and relative values. All analyses were stratified by sex. Results: We found wide health inequities between occupational and educational groups in LAC. No evidence of progress in closing the health inequity gap over time was found. The wider health inequity gap was observed between countries. Informal employment negatively impacts population health, which is buffered by welfare state regimes. Conclusions. Addressing informal employment could be an effective way to improve population health in LAC. The welfare state is an important macro-level determinant of health that buffer the negative effects of poor working conditions on population health. Strengthening occupational health surveillance system in LAC countries is a priority, with a view towards informing policyPrograma de doctorat en Biomedicina341 p.application/pdfapplication/pdfengL'accés als continguts d'aquesta tesi queda condicionat a l'acceptació de les condicions d'ús establertes per la següent llicència Creative Commons: inequities and paid work in Latin America and the Caribbean : Better employment and working conditions for reducing health inequitiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesisKeywords: occupational health, health inequities, working and employment conditions Palabras clave: salud laboral, desigualdades en salud, condiciones de trabajo y empleoOccupational healthHealth inequitiesWorking and employment conditionsSalud laboralDesigualdades en saludCondiciones de trabajo y empleo331