Serra, DanielSilva, FranciscoUniversitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament d'Economia i Empresa2020-05-252020-05-252002-09-01International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45, N 21, 2007, pp. 5117-5134 of the assumptions of the Capacitated Facility Location Problem (CFLP) is that demand is known and fixed. Most often, this is not the case when managers take some strategic decisions such as locating facilities and assigning demand points to those facilities. In this paper we consider demand as stochastic and we model each of the facilities as an independent queue. Stochastic models of manufacturing systems and deterministic location models are put together in order to obtain a formula for the backlogging probability at a potential facility location. Several solution techniques have been proposed to solve the CFLP. One of the most recently proposed heuristics, a Reactive Greedy Adaptive Search Procedure, is implemented in order to solve the model formulated. We present some computational experiments in order to evaluate the heuristics performance and to illustrate the use of this new formulation for the CFLP. The paper finishes with a simple simulation exercise.application/pdfengL'accés als continguts d'aquest document queda condicionat a l'acceptació de les condicions d'ús establertes per la següent llicència Creative CommonsLocating emergency services with priority rules: The priority queuing covering location problemA Capacitated Facility Location Problem with Constrained Backlogging Probabilitiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/workingPaperlocationqueuinggreedy heuristicssimulationOperations Managementinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess