Sahoo, BikashPathak, AnaghDeco, GustavoBanerjee, ArpanRoy, Dipanjan2020-07-032020-07-032020Sahoo B, Pathak A Deco G, Arpan B, Dipanjan R. Lifespan associated global patterns of coherent neural communication. Neuroimage. 2020 Aug 1;216:116824. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.1168241053-8119 ageing is accompanied by changes to spontaneous electromagnetic oscillations. At the macroscopic scale, previous studies have quantified the basic features, e.g., power and frequencies in rhythms of interest from the perspective of attention, perception, learning and memory. On the other hand, signatures and modes of neural communication have recently been argued to be identifiable from global measures applied on neuro-electromagnetic data such as global coherence that quantifies the degree of togetherness of distributed neural oscillations and metastability that parametrizes the transient dynamics of the network switching between successive stable states. Here, we demonstrate that global coherence and metastability can be informative measures to track healthy ageing dynamics over lifespan and together with the traditional spectral measures provides an attractive explanation of neuronal information processing. Finding normative patterns of brain rhythms in resting state MEG would naturally pave the way for tracking task relevant metrics that could crucially determine cognitive flexibility and performance. While previously reported observations of a reduction in peak alpha frequency and increased beta power in older adults are reflective of changes at individual sensors (during rest and task), global coherence and metastability pinpoint the underlying coordination dynamics over multiple brain areas across the entire lifespan. In addition to replication of the previous observations in a substantially larger lifespan cohort than what was previously reported, we also demonstrate, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, age related changes in coherence and metastability in signals over time scales of neuronal processing. Furthermore, we observed a marked frequency dependence in changes in global coordination dynamics, which, coupled with the long-held view of specific frequency bands subserving different aspects of cognition, hints at differential functional processing roles for slower and faster brain dynamics.application/pdfeng©2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.Lifespan associated global patterns of coherent neural communicationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article ageingPeak alphaGlobal coherenceMetastabilityMultifrequencyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess