Torres Hernandez, Anthony2024-04-302024-04-302022Torres-Hernandez A. Code of a multidimensional fractional quasi-newton method with an order of convergence at least quadratic using recursive programming. Applied mathematics and sciences. 2022;9(1):17-24. DOI: 10.5121/mathsj.2022.91032349-6223 following paper presents a way to define and classify a family of fractional iterative methods through a group of fractional matrix operators, as well as a code written in recursive programming to implement a variant of the fractional quasi-Newton method, which through minor modifications, can be implemented in any fractional fixed-point method that allows solving nonlinear algebraic equation systems.application/pdfengThe copyright of the paper is retained by the author under Creative Commons (CC) Attribution license. This license authorizes unrestricted circulation and reproduction of the publication by anybody, as long as the original work is properly cited.Code of a multidimensional fractional quasi-newton method with an order of convergence at least quadratic using recursive programminginfo:eu-repo/semantics/article OperatorsGroup TheoryFractional Iterative MethodsRecursive Programminginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess