Bazzi Otero, Luca2014-12-152014-12-152013 de fi de grau en traducció i interpretacióTutor: Carmen LópezLa coocurrencia de palabras es conocida como colocación; un fenómeno que los aprendices de una lengua extranjera desconocen y deben incorporar a sus conocimientos para mejorar su nivel del idioma extranjero. En la presente obra se estudia el concepto de colocación en el campo de la didáctica del español como lengua extranjera (ELE), se lleva a cabo un breve análisis del tratamiento que reciben estas coocurrencias de palabras en materiales de ELE y se crea una secuencia didáctica en la que se trabaja específicamente con colocaciones formadas por los verbos dar, echar y hacer.Sequences of two or three words co-occur together in most of the languages: this/nparticular point of linguistics is known as collocations. On the one hand, native speakers/nknow which words co-occur with others because of their knowledge of the language./nOn the other hand, non-native speakers who try to learn a specific language do not/nknow this facet and have to work to incorporate this aspect of the foreign language to/nimprove their skills. Collocations and the co-occurrence of words are an issue that has/nnot been properly treated in the majority of teaching materials related to Spanish foreign/nlanguage learning. In this paper we present a specific study related to collocations, we/nanalyze learning concepts to teach collocations specifically to students who study/nSpanish as a foreign language, and we also analyze some textbooks used to teach/nSpanish. Finally, we create a teaching sequence where we intend to teach and work with/nsome specific collocations constructed with the following Spanish verbs: dar, echar and/nhacer. Our analysis of the current material used to teach Spanish and the learning/nsequence paper created to teach some Spanish collocations motivate an argument about/nthe current status of collocations teaching and the real need to motivate the use of/nteaching sequences in order to present and to teach collocations to students.application/pdfspaAquest document està subjecte a una llicència Creative CommonsLlibres de text per a estrangers -- Castellà -- Estudi de casosCol·locació (Lingüística) -- CastellàCombinaciones léxicas estables: el aprendizaje de dar, echar y hacer en el aula de ELEinfo:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesisCollocationsCo-occurrenceSpanish foreign language learningTextbooksSpanish verbsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess