Mularoni, LorisSabarinathan, RadhakrishnanGonzález-Pérez, AbelLópez Bigas, NúriaDéu Pons, Jordi2017-01-182017-01-182016-06-06 Python3+Method to identify genomic regions, both coding and non-coding, bearing mutations with significant shift towards high functional impact across a cohort of tumos (FMbias), which are candidates to function as cancer drivers, through a local test.engOncodriveFML is the property of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), which hold the copyright thereto./nCopyright® 2012-2014 Universitat Pompeu Fabra./nOncodriveFML is made available to the general public subject to certain conditions described in its license./nFor the avoidance of doubt, you may use the software and any data accessed through UPF software for academic,/nnon-commercial and personal use only, and you may not copy, distribute, transmit, duplicate, reduce or alter/nin any way for commercial purposes, or for the purpose of redistribution, without a license from the/nUniversitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). Requests for information regarding a license for commercial use or/nredistribution of OncodriveFML may be sent via e-mail to Party Software/nThe third-party software listed below is downloaded directly from its homepages and, unless otherwise specified,/nis licensed under the licenses described below. The disclaimers and copyright notices provided are based on/ninformation made available to UPF by the third party licensors listed:/nNumpy: rights in any third-party data and/or any third-party software, including all ownership rights, are reserved/nand remain with the respective third parties. You agree that these third parties may enforce their rights under/nthis agreement against you directly in their own name./nConsulteu les condicions d'ús específiques dins del document.OncodriveFMLinfo:eu-repo/semantics/other mutationsNon-codinginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess