Toral, AntonioPecina, PavelWay, AndyPoch, Marc2012-07-202012-07-202011Toral A, Pecina P, Way A, Poch M. Towards a user-friendly webservice architecture for statistical machine translation in the PANACEA project. In: Forcada ML, Depraetere H, Vandeghinste V, editors. Proceedings of the 15th conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 2011). Belgium; 2011978908148611ó presentada a les 15a Conferència de la European Association for Machine Translation, celebrada a Leuven, Bèlgica, els dies 30 i 31 maig de 2011.This paper presents a webservice architecture for Statistical Machine Translation aimed at non-technical users. A workflow/neditor allows a user to combine different webservices using a graphical user interface. In the current state of this project,/nthe webservices have been implemented for a range of sentential and sub-sentential/naligners. The advantage of a common interface and a common data format allows the user to build workflows exchanging different aligners.application/pdfeng© European Association for Machine Translation. Published version available at Aquest document està subjecte a Llicència Creative CommonsMineria de webTraducció automàtica -- Programes d'ordinadorTowards a user-friendly webservice architecture for statistical machine translation in the PANACEA projectinfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObjectinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess