van der Want, Amber2025-03-112025-03-112024 de fi de màster de: Master in Strategic Communication and Public Relations Supervisor: Lluís MasIn the Netherlands, discrimination based on gender or past incarceration is prevalent. This study tested the causality of whether exposure to a PR podcast featuring intergroup contact between Dutch Generation Z and formerly incarcerated individuals (FIIs) affects prejudiced attitudes towards FIIs. Also, it aimed to examine whether the gender of the FIIs influences prejudiced attitudes and if there was an interaction effect. The study, found, by using a quantitative method, that Dutch Generation Z (N=94) generally exhibits a neutral attitude towards FIIs and that exposure to intergroup contact makes this prejudiced attitude significantly positive. Also, it found that the most negative attitudes are directed towards formerly incarcerated women compared to the non-gender-specific group. No interaction effect was found. Limitations were the small convenience sample, the cross-sectional design, and the forced exposure. Future research could use a different research design and research FIIs’ gender and the confounder's relation with prejudiced attitudes.engLlicència Creative Commons, “Reconeixement-NoComercial-SenseObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional”Breaking Societal Bars: Research on the effect of intergroup contact on attitudes towards formerly incarcerated men and women in a Dutch contextinfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesisContact TheoryPublic RelationsEx-prisonersGenderStereotypesPrejudiced Attitudesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess