Ferrer Parera, Alba2013-09-302013-09-302012-06http://hdl.handle.net/10230/21131Treball en què que s'analitza la traducció del castellà al català en l'àmbit oral col·loquial a partir d'un exemple real pràctic (una pel·lícula) per tal de determinar els problemes més comuns d'aquest tipus de traducció i de quina manera s’hi ha d’enfrontar el traductor per aconseguir un producte final satisfactori.The translation from Spanish into Catalan is a field which has not been deeply studied yet./nHowever, the relations between both languages and their own features form a linguistic/nframework with specific characteristics and difficulties which is worth studying. The/ncomplexity of translating between these two languages increases within the oral colloquial/nregister, in which the differences between the official linguistic rules and the actual use of/nCatalan become more evident. By analyzing part of the translation into Catalan of a/nSpanish colloquial film, in this work I try to determine, on the one hand, which are the/nmost common problems translators have to deal with when translating a colloquial Spanish/ntext into Catalan and, on the other hand, what should especially be taken into account/nduring the process. The analysis is divided into two main sections: the first one is focused/non the features by which a dialect or an idiolect can be recognized, whereas the second one/nincludes three subsections in which different levels of language are analyzed (phonetics,/nmorphosyntax and vocabulary). All sections are illustrated by examples taken directly from/nthe film, and further evaluated according to both theoretical and practical approaches. The/nresults obtained show that it is possible to define the main factors which influence the/ntranslating process so that translators can improve their final product, and give evidence of/nthe complexity of translating from Spanish into Catalan, which must always be borne in/nmind.application/pdfcatAquest document està subjecte a una llicència Creative CommonsCastellà -- Traducció al catalàComunicació oralLa traducció del castellà al català en l'àmbit oral col·loquial: una aproximació pràcticainfo:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess