Colell Ortega, Esther, 1961-Sánchez-Ledesma, EstherNovoa Pardo, Ana María, 1979-Daban Aguilar, Ferran, 1976-Fernández Somoano, AnaJuárez, OlgaPérez, KatherineGrupo de Trabajo de Diagnóstico2018-11-162018-11-162018Colell E, Sánchez-Ledesma E, Novoa AM, Daban F, Fernández A, Juárez O. et al. El diagnóstico de salud del programa Barcelona Salut als Barris. Metodología para un proceso participativo. Gac Sanit. 2018; 32(4): 396-399. DOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2017.12.000213-9111 paper describes the methodology used for the assessment of health needs within a programme aimed at promoting health equity in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in the city of Barcelona (Spain). The assessment process involves the use of mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) in order to obtain information regarding the health of the community, its determinants, and the availability of health-related assets. Quantitative data consists of indicators from different sources. Qualitative data collects the community's perspectives through interviews, focal groups and nominal groups. The combination of several data collection methods yields more complete information about the community, its needs and the resources available to meet them. Participation of community members in the process strengthens links between the community and the agents responsible for implementing the actions to address prioritised issues and favours community empowerment.application/pdfspa© 2018 SESPAS. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. Este es un artículo Open Access bajo la licencia CCBY-NC-ND (, Serveis comunitaris deEl diagnóstico de salud del programa Barcelona Salut als Barris. Metodología para un proceso participativoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article healthCommunity participationData collectionDiagnóstico de necesidadesMixed methodsMétodos mixtosNeeds assessmentParticipación comunitariaRecogida de informaciónSalud comunitariainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess