Torá Rocamora, Isabel, 1979-Martínez, José MiguelGimeno Ruiz de Porras, DavidAlberti, ConstançaJardí, JosefinaManzanera, RafaelBenavides, Fernando G. (Fernando García)Delclòs i Clanchet, Jordi, 1956-2017-03-202017-03-202015Torá-Rocamora I, Martínez JM, Gimeno D, Alberti C, Jardí J, Manzanera R, Benavides FG, Delclos G. Assessment of the magnitude of geographical variations in the duration of non-work-related sickness absence by individual and contextual factors. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2015; 29(3): 164-171. DOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2014.12.0040213-9111 To examine variation in the duration of non-work-related sickness absence (NWRSA) across geographical areas and the degree to which this variation can be explained by individual and/or contextual factors. Methods: All first NWRSA episodes ending in 2007 and 2010 were analyzed. Individual (diagnosis, age, sex) and contextual factors (healthcare resources, socioeconomic factors) were analyzed to assess how much of the geographical variation was explained by these factors. Median NWRSA durations in quartiles were mapped by counties in Catalonia. Multilevel Cox proportional hazard regression models with episodes nested within counties were fitted to quantify the magnitude of this variation. The proportional change in variance (PCV), median hazard ratios (MHR) and interquartile hazard ratios (IHR) were calculated. Results: We found a geographical pattern in the duration of NWRSA, with longer duration in northwestern Catalonia. There was a small, but statistically significant, geographical variation in the duration of NWRSA, which mostly decreased after adjustment for individual factors in both women (PCV = 34.98%, MHR = 1.09, IHR = 1.13 in 2007; PCV = 34.68%, MHR = 1.11, IHR = 1.28 in 2010) and men (PCV = 39.88%, MHR = 1.10, IHR = 1.27 in 2007; PCV = 45.93%, MHR = 1.10, IHR = 1.25 in 2010); only in the case of women in 2010 was there a reduction in county-level variance due to contextual covariates (PCV = 16.18%, MHR = 1.12, IHR = 1.32). Conclusions: County-level variation in the duration of NWRSA was small and was explained more by individual than by contextual variables. Knowledge of geographic differences in NWRSA duration is needed to plan specific programs and interventions to minimize these differences.Objetivo: Examinar la variabilidad de la duración la incapacidad temporal por contingencia común (ITcc) entre áreas geográficas y el grado en que factores individuales y/o contextuales la explican. Métodos: Se analizaron los primeros episodios de ITcc finalizados en 2007 y 2010. Se evaluó la variabilidad geográfica explicada por factores individuales (diagnóstico, edad, sexo) y contextuales (recursos sanitarios, socioeconómicos). Se reperesentó gráficamente la duración mediana por comarcas de Cataluña. Se cuantificó la variailidad geográfica de la duración de la ITcc entre comarcas ajustando modelos de regresión multinivel de riesgos proporcionales, con episodios anidados en comarcas. Se calculó el porcentaje de cambio de la varianza (PCV), el razón de riesgo mediano (RRM) y razón de riesgo intercuartílico (RRI). Resultados: Se encontró un patrón geográfico en la duración de la ITcc, con mayor duración en el noroeste de Cataluña. La variabilidad geográfica de la duración de la ITcc fue, aunque no elevada, estadísticamente signifitiva, y disminuyó después de ajustar por factores de nivel individual en mujeres (PCV = 34.98%, RRM =1.09, RRI =1.13 en 2007; PCV = 34.68%, RRM =1.11, RRI =1.28 en 2010) y hombres (PCV = 39.88%, RRM =1.10, RRI =1.27 en 2007; PCV = 45.93%, RRM =1.10, RRI =1.25 en 2010); y solo en el caso de las mujeres en 2010 hubo una reducción de la varianza debido a los factores contextuales (PCV = 16.18%, RRM =1.12, RRI =1.32). Conclusiones: La variabilidad geográfica de la duración de la ITcc fue pequeña y explicada principalmente por los factores de nivel individual. El conocimiento de las diferencias geográficas en la duración de la ITcc es necesario para planificar programas e intervenciones específicas para reducir al mínimo estas diferencias.application/pdfeng© Elsevier Open Access funded by Sociedad Española de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria (SESPAS). Under a Creative Commons licenseAssessment of the magnitude of geographical variations in the duration of non-work-related sickness absence by individual and contextual factorsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article leaveOccupational healthBiological characteristicsSocial characteristicsMultilevel analysisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess