Alsina i Keith, Àlex2024-02-012024-02-012023Alsina A. LFG and Romance languages. In: Dalrymple M (eds.). The Handbook of Lexical Functional Grammar. Berlin: Language Science Press; 2023. p. 1533-96.978-3-98554-082-2 chapter is an overview of the main topics in the Romance languages that have been the object of analysis within LFG. The topics reviewed include the analysis of verbal clitics, considering their morphological and c-structure status, their role in f-structure, and the role of the anaphoric reflexive clitics in a-structure, the grammatical function of direct and indirect objects and of clausal complements, passive and impersonal constructions, and complex predicates such as the causative construction.application/pdfengThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (ües romàniquesAnàlisi lingüísticaLFG and Romance languagesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/bookPartinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess