Feixa, Carles, 1962-Sánchez García, JoséAubarell, Gemma2023-07-282024Feixa-Pàmpols C, Sánchez-García J, Aubarell-Solduga G. Ethics, research policy and practice: changes, challenges and dilemmas in ethnographic youth research. In: Bessant J, Collin Ph, O’Keffee P (Eds.). Research handbook on the sociology of youth. Cheltenham Glos: Edward Elgar Publishers; 2024.http://hdl.handle.net/10230/57704application/pdfeng© Edward Elgar PublishersEthics, research policy and practice: changes, challenges and dilemmas in ethnographic youth researchinfo:eu-repo/semantics/bookPartinfo:eu-repo/semantics/embargoedAccess