Salis, FrancescaCarsin, Anne-ElieGarcía Aymerich, JudithKoch, SarahMobilise-D consortium2023-07-212023-07-212023Salis F, Bertuletti S, Bonci T, Caruso M, Scott K, Alcock L, et al. A multi-sensor wearable system for the assessment of diseased gait in real-world conditions. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2023;11:1143248. DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2023.11432482296-4185 Accurately assessing people's gait, especially in real-world conditions and in case of impaired mobility, is still a challenge due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors resulting in gait complexity. To improve the estimation of gait-related digital mobility outcomes (DMOs) in real-world scenarios, this study presents a wearable multi-sensor system (INDIP), integrating complementary sensing approaches (two plantar pressure insoles, three inertial units and two distance sensors). Methods: The INDIP technical validity was assessed against stereophotogrammetry during a laboratory experimental protocol comprising structured tests (including continuous curvilinear and rectilinear walking and steps) and a simulation of daily-life activities (including intermittent gait and short walking bouts). To evaluate its performance on various gait patterns, data were collected on 128 participants from seven cohorts: healthy young and older adults, patients with Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, and proximal femur fracture. Moreover, INDIP usability was evaluated by recording 2.5-h of real-world unsupervised activity. Results and discussion: Excellent absolute agreement (ICC >0.95) and very limited mean absolute errors were observed for all cohorts and digital mobility outcomes (cadence ≤0.61 steps/min, stride length ≤0.02 m, walking speed ≤0.02 m/s) in the structured tests. Larger, but limited, errors were observed during the daily-life simulation (cadence 2.72-4.87 steps/min, stride length 0.04-0.06 m, walking speed 0.03-0.05 m/s). Neither major technical nor usability issues were declared during the 2.5-h acquisitions. Therefore, the INDIP system can be considered a valid and feasible solution to collect reference data for analyzing gait in real-world conditions.application/pdfeng© 2023 Salis, Bertuletti, Bonci, Caruso,Scott,Alcock,Buckley,Gazit,Hansen, Schwickert, Aminian, Becker, Brown, Carsin, Caulfield, Chiari, D’Ascanio, Del Din, Eskofier, Garcia-Aymerich, Hausdorff, Hume, Kirk, Kluge, Koch, Kuederle, Maetzler, MicóAmigo, Mueller, Neatrour, ParaschivIonescu, Palmerini, Yarnall, Rochester, Sharrack,Singleton,Vereijken,Vogiatzis,Della Croce, Mazzà and Cereatti and for the Mobilise-D consortium. This is an openaccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CCBY). Theuse, distributionor reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) arecreditedandthattheoriginalpublicationin this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.A multi-sensor wearable system for the assessment of diseased gait in real-world conditionsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article sensorsEcological conditionsGait analysisPressure insolesSpatial-temporal gait parametersWearable sensorsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess