Gutiérrez Sacristán, AlbaBravo Serrano, Àlex, 1984-Giannoula, AlexiaMayer, Miguel Ángel, 1960-Sanz, FerranFurlong, Laura I., 1971-2018-11-302018-11-302018Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Bravo À, Giannoula A, Mayer MA, Sanz F, Furlong LI. comoRbidity: an R package for the systematic analysis of disease comorbidities. Bioinformatics. 2018;34(18):3228-30. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty3151367-4803 The study of comorbidities is a major priority due to their impact on life expectancy, quality of life and healthcare cost. The availability of electronic health records (EHRs) for data mining offers the opportunity to discover disease associations and comorbidity patterns from the clinical history of patients gathered during routine medical care. This opens the need for analytical tools for detection of disease comorbidities, including the investigation of their underlying genetic basis. RESULTS: We present comoRbidity, an R package aimed at providing a systematic and comprehensive analysis of disease comorbidities from both the clinical and molecular perspectives. comoRbidity leverages from (i) user provided clinical data from EHR databases (the clinical comorbidity analysis) and (ii) genotype-phenotype information of the diseases under study (the molecular comorbidity analysis) for a comprehensive analysis of disease comorbidities. The clinical comorbidity analysis enables identifying significant disease comorbidities from clinical data, including sex and age stratification and temporal directionality analyses, while the molecular comorbidity analysis supports the generation of hypothesis on the underlying mechanisms of the disease comorbidities by exploring shared genes among disorders. The open-source comoRbidity package is a software tool aimed at expediting the integrative analysis of disease comorbidities by incorporating several analytical and visualization functions.application/pdfeng© The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact journals.permissions@oup.comcomoRbidity: an R package for the systematic analysis of disease comorbiditiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article