Holderness, MikeDanbury, RichardMinero, GemmaRubí i Puig, AntoniDíaz Noci, JavierUniversitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament de Comunicació2017-01-132017-01-132016Holderness M, Danbury R, Minero G, Rubí-Puig A. Copyright and news reporting: towards new business models and legal regulations?. Barcelona : Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament de Comunicació, 2016. 57 p. (Serie Editorial DigiDoc. Audiencias activas y periodismo).http://hdl.handle.net/10230/27890In November 14, 2014, a workshop - expert panel was organized at the Department of Communication of the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona), and it was intended to be a report on intellectual property and copyright trends in Europe related to news reporting activity on the Internet. The panel of specialists is intended to arrive at some conclusions and to agreement, to a consensus, we try to produce a piece of useful information. Professor/nRaquel Xalabarder could not attend the meeting, but she produced a forty pages long report on the topic, entitled The remunerated statutory limitation for news aggregation and search engines proposed by the Spanish government; its compliance with international and EU law.1 The five specialists chose a topic related/nto the question, and sent an abstract of the proposal to be developed in that session. This reports does not intend to be a complete transcription of the interventions, instead it aims to reflect the main topics and considerations exposed by the participants of the seminar, identifying the issues discussed in it.application/pdfengWork distributed under a CC licenseDrets d'autor -- Articles periodísticsMitjans de comunicació digitals -- Dret i legislacióPropietat intel·lectual -- EuropaCopyright and news reporting: towards new business models and legal regulations?info:eu-repo/semantics/workingPaperinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess