Gaskell, GeorgeStares, SallyAllansdottir, AgnesAllum, NickCastro, PaulaEsmer, YilmazFischler, ClaudeJackson, JonathanKronberger, NicoleHampel, JürgenMejlgaard, NielsQuintanilha, AlexRammer, AnduStoneman, PaulRevuelta, GemaTorgersen, HelgeWagner, WolfgangUniversitat Pompeu Fabra2013-11-202013-11-202010Gaskell G, Stares S, Allansdottir A, Allum N, Castro P, Esmer Y, Revuelta G et al. Europeans and Biotechnology in 2010. Winds of change? Brussels: European Commission, 2010. 172 p. DOI 10.2777/23393978-92-79-16878© European Union, 2010Biotecnologia -- Aspectes socials -- EuropaBiotecnologia -- EuropaEuropeans and Biotechnology in 2010. Winds of change?info:eu-repo/semantics/report