Andrzejak, Ralph GregorLehnertz, KlausRieke, ChristophMormann, FlorianDavid, PeterElger, Christian E.2019-11-192019-11-192001Andrzejak RG, Lehnertz K, Rieke C, Mormann F, David P, Elger CE. Indications of nonlinear deterministic and finite dimensional structures in time series of brain electrical activity: Dependence on recording region and brain state [dataset]. Repositori Digital de la UPF: Barcelona; 2001. Available from: files (.txt). Files: For each set (A-E) there is a ZIP-file containing 100 TXT-files. Each TXT-file consists of 4096 samples of one EEG time series in ASCII code. SET A in file containing Z000.txt - Z100.txt, SET B in file containing O000.txt - O100.txt, SET C in file containing N000.txt - N100.txt, SET D in file containing F000.txt - F100.txt, SET E in file containing S000.txt - S100.txtThis page data analyzed in the manuscript: Andrzejak RG, Lehnertz K, Rieke C, Mormann F, David P, Elger CE (2001) Indications of nonlinear deterministic and finite dimensional structures in time series of brain electrical activity: Dependence on recording region and brain state, Phys. Rev. E, 64, 061907. If you use any of these resources, please make sure that you cite this reference. For more detailed information, please refer to under a Creative Commons License (CC-BY) 4.0The source codes, data and results on these sites are free of charge for research and education purposes only. Any commercial or military use is prohibited. All resources are provided without any expressed or implied warranty. In no event the authors of the article or any of their host institutions are liable for any damages arising from the use of the software, data or results.Indications of nonlinear deterministic and finite-dimensional structures in time series of brain electrical activity: Dependence on recording region and brain state [dataset]info:eu-repo/semantics/other time series analysisPrediction errorCorrelation dimensionSurrogatesElectroencephalographic recordingsEpilepsyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess