Gaillard, Marie-JoseMorrison, Kathleen D.Madella, MarcoWhitehouse, N.2022-10-252022-10-252018Gaillard MJ, Morrison KD, Madella M, Whitehouse N. Past land-use and land-cover change: the challenge of quantification at the subcontinental to global scales. Past Global Change Magazine. 2018 Jun;26(1):3. DOI: 10.22498/pages.26.1.31811-1602 Magazine is distributed under the CC BY license which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the article authors and all original sources are cited. For re-use of figures, we would like you to contact the author beforehand.Medi ambient -- Anàlisi d'impacteCanvis climàticsPaleoclimatologiaPast land-use and land-cover change: the challenge of quantification at the subcontinental to global scalesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article