Soler-Font, MercèRamada Rodilla, José María, 1961-Merelles, AntoniMuy, AnaDe la Flor López, CarmenMartínez, OlgaPalma-Vásquez, ClaudiaSancho, ConsueloPeña, PilarBültmann, Utevan Zon, Sander K.R.Serra, Consol2022-05-232022-05-232021Soler-Font M, Ramada JM, Merelles A, Amat A, de la Flor C, Martínez O, et al. Process evaluation of a complex workplace intervention to prevent musculoskeletal pain in nursing staff: results from INTEVAL_Spain. BMC Nurs. 2021 octubre 6; 20(1): 189. DOI: 10.1186/s12912-021-00716-x1472-6955 INTEVAL_Spain was a complex workplace intervention to prevent and manage musculoskeletal pain among nursing staff. Process evaluations can be especially useful for complex and multifaceted interventions through identifying the success or failure factors of an intervention to improve the intervention implementation. Objectives: This study performed a process evaluation of INTEVAL_Spain and aimed to examine whether the intervention was conducted according to the protocol, to investigate the fulfilment of expectations and the satisfaction of workers. Methods: The intervention was a two-armed cluster randomized controlled trial and lasted 1 year. The process evaluation included quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative methods were used to address the indicators of Steckler and Linnan's framework. Data on recruitment was collected through a baseline questionnaire for the intervention and the control group. Reach and dose received were collected through participation sheets, dose delivered and fidelity through internal registries, and fulfilment of expectations and satisfaction were collected with two questions at 12-months follow-up. Qualitative methods were used for a content analysis of discussion groups at the end of the intervention led by an external moderator to explore satisfaction and recommendations. The general communication and activities were discussed, and final recommendations were agreed on. Data were synthesized and results were reported thematically. Results: The study was performed in two Spanish hospitals during 2016-2017 and 257 workers participated. Recruitment was 62 and 51% for the intervention and the control group, respectively. The reach of the activities ranged from 96% for participatory ergonomics to 5% for healthy diet. The number of sessions offered ranged from 60 sessions for Nordic walking to one session for healthy diet. Fidelity of workers ranged from 100% for healthy diet and 79% for participatory ergonomics, to 42 and 39% for Nordic walking and case management, respectively. Lowest fidelity of providers was 75% for case management and 82% for Nordic walking. Fulfilment of expectations and satisfaction ranged from 6.6/10 and 7.6/10, respectively, for case management to 10/10 together for the healthy diet session. Discussion groups revealed several limitations for most of the activities, mainly focused on a lack of communication between the Champion (coordinator) and the workers. Conclusions: This process evaluation showed that the implementation of INTEVAL_Spain was predominantly carried out as intended. Process indicators differed depending on the activity. Several recommendations to improve the intervention implementation process are proposed.application/pdfengCopyright © El autor(es) 2021. Acceso abierto. Este artículo está licenciado bajo una Licencia Internacional Creative Commons Atribución 4.0, que permite el uso, intercambio, adaptación, distribución y reproducción en cualquier medio o formato, siempre y cuando dé el crédito apropiado al autor (s) original (s) y la fuente, proporcione un enlace a la licencia Creative Commons e indique si se realizaron cambios. Las imágenes u otro material de terceros en este artículo se incluyen en la licencia Creative Commons del artículo, a menos que se indique lo contrario en una línea de crédito al material. Si el material no está incluido en la licencia Creative Commons del artículo y su uso previsto no está permitido por la regulación legal o excede el uso permitido, deberá obtener el permiso directamente del titular de los derechos de autor. Para ver una copia de esta licencia, visite evaluation of a complex workplace intervention to prevent musculoskeletal pain in nursing staff: results from INTEVAL_Spaininfo:eu-repo/semantics/article managementCluster randomized controlled trialErgonomicsHealth promotionMediterranean dietMindfulnessNordic walkingParticipatoryinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess