Saydı, Larissa Deniz2022-11-152022-11-152022 Núria AlmironTreball de fi de Màster en Estudis Internacionals sobre Mitjans, Poder i DiversitatThe purpose of this study is to shed light on how invasive species are conceptualised in The New York Times’ coverage between the time frame 2000-2022, and how their coverage/representation reproduces anthropocentric speciesism. A qualitative content analysis is conducted to inspect news media coverage of invasive species in The New York Times. The results find a clear maleficent and threatening framing of invasive species in this newspaper. Especially metaphors and allusions to anthropocentric concepts are found to be present as framing tools. Discussion section further explores how these results can be interpreted as a reinforcement of speciesist ideology and anthropocentric thinking.application/pdfeng©Tots els drets reservatsThe 'most wanted' of animal kingdom: news coverage of ‘invasive species’ in The New York Timesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesisinvasive speciescritical animal and media studiesframingnews coveragemetaphorrepresentationspeciesismcommunicationanthropocentric framingThe New York Timesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess