Zu, Mengyuan2025-03-102025-03-102024http://hdl.handle.net/10230/69899Treball de fi de màster Estudis Internacionals sobre Mitjans, Poder i Diversitat Supervisor: Mercè OlivaThis paper examines the portrayal of women in Douyin's men-pretending-women short videos and analyses the characteristics of the female image in these videos and the embodiment of women's stereotypes. This paper employs the method of thematic analysis, focusing on the bloggers of men-pretending-women on Douyin, who have a large fan base, as the research object. 50 video samples are selected for coding and analysis. The study demonstrates that these videos utilize the appropriation and exaggeration of female features to present female image. Most of the videos feature women wearing women's clothes, wigs, and make-up and other items, yet the presentation is not aesthetically pleasing. Rather, it is a scandalous portrayal of women. Besides, the video focuses on three roles – women in the home, women in the workplace and women in heterosexual relationships – and illustrates four female stereotypes: appearance-conscious, controlling, “good wife and mom” and hypocritical.engLlicència CC Reconeixement-NoComercial-SenseObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)A qualitative analysis of gender stereotypes of men-pretending-women short videos on Douyininfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesisMen pretending womenShort videosStereotypeDouyinChinese tiktokFemale imageGender performanceinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess