Sopena Rios, Maria2021-04-062021-04-062020 de fi de grau en Biologia HumanaSupervisora: Olga Valverde GranadosFetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) results from maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. Yet preventable, it still is very prevalent as it is estimated that 50% of the women of childbearing age consume alcohol and therefore it represents a major health concern worldwide. Alcohol can have detrimental effects that can persist throughout life on various organs and systems being the central nervous system the most damaged. Mechanisms underlying FASD impairments are not fully understood, however many factors have been established as possible candidates Recent reports have highlighted the importance of the alcohol-induced neuroimmune function in the developing brain impairments. This review discusses the information available about the neuroimmune molecular mechanisms responsible for some of the neuropathological and cognitive outcomes seen in FASD.application/pdfeng© Tots els drets reservatsSistema immunològicAlcoholCervellEmbaràsThe role of the neuroimmune system in the pathogenesis of fetal alcohol spectrum disordersinfo:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess