Nualart, Eulàlia2020-05-282020-05-282018Nualart E. Moment bounds for some fractional stochastic heat equations on the ball. Electron Commun Probab. 2018;23(41):1-12. DOI: 10.1214/18-ECP1471083-589X this paper, we obtain upper and lower bounds for the moments of the solution to a class of fractional stochastic heat equations on the ball driven by a Gaussian noise which is white in time and has a spatial correlation in space of Riesz kernel type. We also consider the space-time white noise case on an interval.application/pdfengCopyright for all articles in EJP is CC BY 4.0.Moment bounds for some fractional stochastic heat equations on the ballinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article heat equationFractional LaplacianDirichlet boundary conditionsHeat kernel estimatesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess