Reus Muns, Mireia2013-10-012013-10-012012-06 El treball està enfocat en les anomenades “partícules modals” de la llengua /n/nalemanya. La part teòrica inclou informació extreta de diferents fonts bibliogràfiques i a /n/nla part pràctica se n’analitza l’ús a partir d’un exercici elaborat amb fragments del guió /n/nde dues pel·lícules (llenguatge oral fingit) i la col·laboració d’estudiants de diferents /n/nparts d’Alemanya.It is a fact that some germanic languages, like German, count „particles‟ among their /n/nword type list. This group includes a wide variety of terms with different functions and /n/ncharacteristics. Since particles just acquire meaning with regard to a linguistic and /n/ncultural context, it is not always a simple task to distinguish one type from the other /n/nand, still harder, to define them separately, particularly if it has to do with modal /n/nparticles, the most problematic group of all and the focus of this work. Moreover, /n/nparticles normally appear in colloquial registers, which means that their use is generally /n/nspontaneous and cannot always be generalised, and also in texts such as scripts that /n/nintend to reproduce spoken language. /n/nOn the one hand, the aim of this paper is to provide a compilation of information, /n/nobtained from different specialists that have been analysing and researching it over the /n/nlast decades. This should give the reader a clear idea of the general term „particle‟ and /n/nalso enough knowledge to be able to distinguish the particles which affect the modality /n/nof the whole sentence („modal particles‟) from the other types, such as the ones which /n/nmodifies degree or intensifies an element of the sentence. On the other hand, this work /n/nincludes an analysis of the meaning of some modal particles and their use in the script /n/nof two german films (Die Welle and Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei). The results of this /n/nanalysis are obtained from a document provided to thirty-seven German native /n/nspeakers from different parts of Germany./n/nThe conclusions do not aim not to be categorical, but to provide a close approach to /n/nthe subject, specially because the research has proven that „particles‟ require a more /n/nexhaustive investigation to be understood.application/pdfcatAquest document està subjecte a una llicència Creative CommonsModalitat (Lingüística)Comunicació oral -- AlemanyLes partícules modals de la llengua alemanya i l’anàlisi del seu ús comparant el llenguatge oral real i el fingitinfo:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess