Cano, IsaacDueñas-Espín, Iván, 1979-Hernandez, CarmeBatlle Garcia, Jordi de, 1981-Benavent, JaumeContel, Joan CarlesBaltaxe, ErikEscarrabill, JoanFernández, Juan ManuelGarcía Aymerich, JudithMas, Miquel ÀngelMiralles, FelipMoharra, MontserratPiera, JordiSalas, TomasSantaeugenia, SebastiàSoler, NestorTorres, GerardVargiu, EloisaVela, EmiliRoca Torrent, Josep2018-05-092018-05-092017Cano I, Dueñas-Espín I, Hernandez C, de Batlle J, Benavent J, Contel JC et al. Protocol for regional implementation of community-based collaborative management of complex chronic patients. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2017 Jul 14;27(1):44. DOI: 10.1038/s41533-017-0043-92055-1010© Nature Publishing Group. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were madeMalalties cròniques -- PacientsProtocol for regional implementation of community-based collaborative management of complex chronic patientsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article