Wanner, LeoAndré, ElisabethBlat, JosepDasiopoulou, StamatiaFarrús, MireiaFraga, ThiagoKamateri, EleniLingenfelser, FlorianLlorach, GerardMartínez, OriolMeditskos, GeorgiosMille, SimonMinker, WolfgangPragst, LouisaSchiller, DominikStam, AndriesStellingwerff, LudoSukno, Federico MateoVieru, BiancaVrochidis, Stefanos2017-12-182017-12-182017Wanner L, André E, Blat J, Dasiopoulou S, Farrús M, Fraga T, Kamateri E, Lingenfelser F, Llorach G, Martínez O, Meditskos G, Mille S, Minker W, Pragst L, Schiller D, Stam A, Stellingwerff L, Sukno F, Vieru B, Vrochidis S. Design of knowledge-based agent as a social companion. Procedia Comput Sci. 2017;(121):920-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.1191877-0509http://hdl.handle.net/10230/33523Article de la comunicació presentada a International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (HCist 2017), celebrat a Barcelona el novembre de 2017.We present work in progress on an intelligent embodied conversation agent that is supposed to act as a social companion with linguistic and emotional competence in the context of basic and health care. The core of the agent is an ontology-based knowledge model that supports flexible reasoning-driven conversation planning strategies. A dedicated search engine ensures the provision of background information from the web, necessary for conducting a conversation on a specific topic. Multimodal communication analysis and generation modules analyze respectively generate facial expressions, gestures and multilingual speech. The assessment of the prototypical implementation of the agent shows that users accept it as a natural and trustworthy conversation counterpart. For the final release, all involved technologies will be further improved and matured.application/pdfeng© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives LicenseDesign of knowledge-based agent as a social companioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/articlehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.119Conversation agentDialogueOntological knowledge modelMultimodalityMultilingualityBasic careHealth careinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess