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Browsing Articles (Departament d'Economia) by Subject "Progressive taxation"

Browsing Articles (Departament d'Economia) by Subject "Progressive taxation"

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  • Carbonell-Nicolau, Oriol; Llavador, Humberto (Springer, 2021)
    The link between income inequality and progressive taxation has long been considered a fundamental normative foundation for income tax progressivity. This paper furnishes necessary and sufficient conditions on primitives, ...
  • Carbonell-Nicolau, Oriol; Llavador, Humberto (Wiley, 2018)
    The case for progressive income taxation is often based on the classic result of Jakobsson (1976) and Fellman (1976), according to which progressive and only progressive income taxes—in the sense of increasing average tax ...
  • Carbonell-Nicolau, Oriol; Llavador, Humberto (American Economic Association, 2021)
    The steady rise in income and wealth inequality in the last four decades, together with the evolution of a vanishing middle class, has raised concerns about potentially pernicious effects of these trends on social stability ...

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