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Browsing Documents OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) by Author "Quesnel-Vallières, Mathieu"

Browsing Documents OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) by Author "Quesnel-Vallières, Mathieu"

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  • Tapial Rodríguez, Javier, 1990-; Ha, Kevin C. H.; Sterne-Weiler, Thimothy; Gohr, André; Braunschweig, Ulrich; Hermoso Pulido, Antonio; Quesnel-Vallières, Mathieu; Permanyer, Jon; Sodaei, Reza, 1988-; Marquez, Yamile; Cozzuto, Luca; Wang, Xinchen; Gómez-Velázquez, Melisa; Rayon, Teresa; Manzanares, Miguel; Ponomarenko, Julia; Blencowe, Benjamin J.; Irimia Martínez, Manuel (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (CSHL Press), 2017)
    Alternative splicing (AS) generates remarkable regulatory and proteomic complexity in metazoans. However, the functions of most AS events are not known, and programs of regulated splicing remain to be identified. To address ...
  • Quesnel-Vallières, Mathieu; Dargaei, Zahra; Irimia Martínez, Manuel; Gonatopoulos-Pournatzis, Thomas; Ip, Joanna Y.; Wu, Mingkun; Sterne-Weiler, Thimothy; Nakagawa, Shinichi; Woodin, Melanie A.; Blencowe, Benjamin J.; Cordes, Sabine P. (Elsevier, 2016)
    A key challenge in understanding and ultimately treating autism is to identify common molecular mechanisms underlying this genetically heterogeneous disorder. Transcriptomic profiling of autistic brains has revealed ...

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