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Browsing Documents OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) by Author "Queirolo Palmas, Luca"

Browsing Documents OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) by Author "Queirolo Palmas, Luca"

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  • Mansilla, Juan Camilo; Grassi, Paolo; Queirolo Palmas, Luca (Brill Academic Publishers, 2021)
    In this article, we will compare Marseille and Milan, as well as the social (and digital) practices of young people living in two neighbourhoods: LaFab in the third district— one of the poorest areas of the French city—and ...
  • Queirolo Palmas, Luca; Ballesté, Eduard, 1988-; Grassi, Paolo; Mansilla, Juan Camilo; Oliver, María; Núñez, Katia; Feixa, Carles, 1962- (2022-02-10)
    This Background Paper of the TRANSGANG Working Papers reveals the multiple facets of youth street groups of four European cities: Milan, Marseille, Madrid and Barcelona. The authors show how in the guts of these cities ...

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