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Browsing Documents OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) by Author "Prendergast, Lisa"

Browsing Documents OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) by Author "Prendergast, Lisa"

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  • Prendergast, Lisa; McClurg, Urszula; Hristova, Rossitsa; Berlinguer-Palmini, Rolando; Greener, Sarah; Veicht, Katie; Hernandez, Inmaculada; Pasero, Philippe; Rico, Daniel; Higgins, Jonathan M. G.; Gospodinov, Anastas; Papamichos-Chronakis, Manolis (Nature Research, 2020)
    Collisions between the DNA replication machinery and co-transcriptional R-loops can impede DNA synthesis and are a major source of genomic instability in cancer cells. How cancer cells deal with R-loops to proliferate is ...

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