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Browsing Documents OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) by Author "La Greca, Alejandro"

Browsing Documents OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) by Author "La Greca, Alejandro"

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  • La Greca, Alejandro; Bellora Pereyra, Nicolás; Le Dily, François; Jara, Rodrigo; Nacht, A. Silvina; Quilez Oliete, Javier; Villanueva Cañas, José Luis, 1984-; Vidal Barba, Enric; Merino, Gabriela; Fresno, Cristóbal; Reischle, Inti Tarifa; Vallejo, Griselda; Vicent, Guillermo Pablo; Fernández, Elmer; Beato, Miguel; Saragüeta, Patricia (eLife Sciences Publications, 2022)
    Estrogen (E2) and Progesterone (Pg), via their specific receptors (ERalpha and PR), are major determinants in the development and progression of endometrial carcinomas, However, their precise mechanism of action and the ...

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