The communication paradigm has changed a lot over the years, especially dur-ing the last two decades. Media industry has been forced to adapt to rapid move-ments in which the appearance of the Internet and social media has provoked movements and mutations referring to different aspects of the press industry: ways of working, business and financial models, manners of communication with their audiences. Also, how to publicize news and adapt them according to actuality, making characteristics like immediacy, ...
The communication paradigm has changed a lot over the years, especially dur-ing the last two decades. Media industry has been forced to adapt to rapid move-ments in which the appearance of the Internet and social media has provoked movements and mutations referring to different aspects of the press industry: ways of working, business and financial models, manners of communication with their audiences. Also, how to publicize news and adapt them according to actuality, making characteristics like immediacy, hypertextuality or multimedi-ality essentials for online websites and media, as well as transparency or objec-tivity that impacts also in the traditional newspapers. We examine and analyze two online media that correspond to different countries. On one hand, it dis-cusses Relevo, a new sports digital-born media from Spain and an American weekly magazine dedicated to sports, Sports Illustrated. The transformation of new communication practices has affected business concentration and profes-sional practices of media. As a consequence, we want to compare both media in order to see how they are different, what measures they take in order to make their journalist proposals and objectives and investigate to which extent their media structure limits or affects them in the production of news.