This page provides the source code and results underlying the manuscript:
Andrzejak RG, Ruzzene G, Schöll E, Omelchenko I (2020) Two populations of coupled
quadratic maps exhibit a plentitude of symmetric and symmetry ...
Llistat dels tweets analitzats en la recerca de l'article "La toxicidad de la política española en Twitter durante la pandemia de la COVID-19" que es publica a la revista en el número de novembre de 2020.
El corpus reúne siete catecismos históricos en formato .txt, así como los ficheros .xls del análisis efectuado con la aplicación ContaWords. Se añada una hoja indicando las fuentes bibliográficas y los cambios que se han ...
This page provides the data of the manuscript:
Martínez, C. G. B., Niediek, J., Mormann, F. & Andrzejak,R. G. Seizure onset zone
lateralization using a nonlinear analysis of micro versus macro
electroencephalographic ...
Gregorio de Souza, Jonas(Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2019-12-11)
This dataset contains 2762 radiocarbon dates from 1023 archaeological sites in lowland South America. In principle, only archaeological cultures related to the spread of polyculture agroforestry (tropical forest farming) ...
429 phytolith images of eight different morphotypes (bilobate, bulliform, cross, elongate, globular, rondel/trapeziform, saddle, trichome) from soil samples used in a comparative analysis of six classification methods to ...
The present documents are the primary data used on the paper in preparation "Farming the World's drylands: ethnographic-based models highlight the key role of traditional knowledge for sustainable food production": 1) SI ...
Here, we present a wood charcoal reference collection for anthracological analyses in the Highlands of Ethiopia. Available plant species and genus were selected according to their importance in the different vegetation ...
The present documents are the suplementary materials of the paper published and named "Human-Woodland interactions during the pre-Aksumite and Aksumite periods in NE Tigray, Ethiopia: insights from the wood charcoal analyses ...
Andrzejak, Ralph Gregor; Mormann, Florian; Kreuz, Thomas(2014)
This page provides the source code underlying the manuscript:
Andrzejak RG, Mormann F, Kreuz T. 2014. Detecting determinism from point
processes. Phys. Rev. E. 90, 062906
If you use any of these resources, please make ...
Naro, Daniel; Rummel, Christian; Schindler, Kaspar A.; Andrzejak, Ralph Gregor(2014)
This page provides the source code and results underlying the manuscript:
Naro D, Rummel C, Schindler K, Andrzejak RG (2014): Detecting determinism with improved
sensitivity in time series: Rank-based nonlinear ...
This page provides the source code and results underlying the manuscript:
Andrzejak RG, Kreuz T (2011): Characterizing unidirectional couplings between point processes
and flows. EPL, 96, 50012
If you use any of these ...
Andrzejak, Ralph Gregor; Ledberg, Anders; Deco, Gustavo(2006)
This page provides the source code underlying the manuscript:
Andrzejak RG, Ledberg A, Deco G (2006): Detecting event-related time-dependent
directional couplings. New Journal of Physics 8, 6
If you use any of these ...
Chicharro Raventós, Daniel; Andrzejak, Ralph Gregor(2009)
This page provides the source code underlying the manuscript:
Chicharro D, Andrzejak RG (2009): Reliable detection of directional couplings using
rank statistics. Physical Review E, 80, 026217.
If you use any of these ...
Andrzejak, Ralph Gregor; Lehnertz, Klaus; Rieke, Christoph; Mormann, Florian; David, Peter; Elger, Christian E.(2001)
This page data analyzed in the manuscript: Andrzejak RG, Lehnertz K, Rieke C, Mormann F, David P, Elger CE (2001) Indications of nonlinear deterministic and finite dimensional structures in time series of brain electrical ...
Andrzejak, Ralph Gregor; Schindler, Kaspar A.; Rummel, Christian(2012)
This page provides the source code, data, and detailed results of the manuscript:
Andrzejak RG, Schindler K, Rummel C. Nonrandomness, nonlinear dependence, and
nonstationarity of electroencephalographic recordings from ...
Andrzejak, Ralph Gregor; Ruzzene, Giulia; Malvestio, Irene(2017)
This page provides the source code underlying the manuscript:
Andrzejak RG, Ruzzene G, Malvestio I. 2017. Generalized synchronization between
chimera states. Chaos. 27(5): 053114
If you use any of these resources, please ...
Malvestio, Irene; Kreuz, Thomas; Andrzejak, Ralph Gregor(2017)
This page provides the source code and results underlying the manuscript:
Malvestio I, Kreuz T, Andrzejak RG. 2017. Robustness and versatility of a nonlinear
interdependence method for directional coupling detection from ...
Leguia, Marc G.; Martínez, Cristina G. B.; Malvestio, Irene; Tauste Campo, Adrià; Rocamora, Rodrigo; Levnajić, Zoran; Andrzejak, Ralph Gregor(Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2019)
This page provides the source code underlying the manuscript:
Leguia MG, Martínez CGB, Malvestio I, Campo A T, Rocamora R, Levnajic Z,
Andrzejak RG. 2019. Inferring directed networks using a rank-based connectivity
measure. ...
El Catàleg de recursos de LJC 2000-2018 recull fins a 232 recursos
del llenguatge jurídic català publicats en el període 2000-2018 i ofereix
opcions de cerca dels recursos segons tretze paràmetres diferents (títol,
autor, ...