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  • Oramas, Sergio (2016)
    MARD contains texts and accompanying metadata originally obtained from a much larger dataset of Amazon customer reviews, which have been enriched with music metadata from MusicBrainz, and audio descriptors from AcousticBrainz. ...
  • Vivaldi, J. (Jorge), 1952-; Padró, Muntsa; Marimon, Montserrat; Bel Rafecas, Núria (2016-07-25)
    The file logonFinal20130315_4matetools361.model contains a model for parsing Spanish text with MATE Parser.
  • Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada, 2010-10-13)
  • CompMusic (2014-03)
    The Mridangam Stroke dataset is a collection of 7162 audio examples of individual strokes of the Mridangam in various tonics. The dataset comprises of 10 different strokes played on Mridangams with 6 different tonic values. ...
  • Barnes, Jeremy (2015-01)
    We release two corpora of hotel reviews annotated for aspect-level sentiment analysis in Catalan and Basque. We also include scripts which allow the conversion to sentence-level annotations and provide benchmarks for opinion ...
  • Schroeder, Michael Philipp, 1986- (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2015-11)
    A needle-plot (aka stem-plot or lollipop-plot) plots each data point as a big dot and adds a vertical line that makes it appear like a needle.
  • Guerrero Pico, María del Mar (2014-12-15)
    Modelo de encuesta y resumen de resultados recogidos en el artículo "Producción y lectura de fan fiction en la comunidad online de la serie Fringe: transmedialidad, competencia y alfabetización mediática" (2015)
  • Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada, 2010-10-13)
  • Andrzejak, Ralph Gregor; Schindler, Kaspar A.; Rummel, Christian (2012)
    This page provides the source code, data, and detailed results of the manuscript: Andrzejak RG, Schindler K, Rummel C. Nonrandomness, nonlinear dependence, and nonstationarity of electroencephalographic recordings from ...
  • Universitat d'Alacant. Grup Transducens; Prompsit Language Engineering, S.L; Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA) (Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA), 2011-10-10)
  • Universitat d'Alacant. Grup Transducens; Prompsit Language Engineering, S.L; Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA) (Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA), 2011-10-10)
  • Tamborero Noguera, David; López Bigas, Núria; González-Pérez, Abel (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2013-02)
    Oncodrive-CIS is a method aimed to identify those copy number alterations (CNAs) leading to larger in cis expression changes that may be useful in elucidating the role of these aberrations in cancer. This is based on the ...
  • Tamborero Noguera, David; González-Pérez, Abel; López Bigas, Núria (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2015-11)
    OncodriveCLUST is a method aimed to identify genes whose mutations are biased towards a large spatial clustering. This method is designed to exploit the feature that mutations in cancer genes, especially oncogenes, often ...
  • González-Pérez, Abel; López Bigas, Núria (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2015-10)
    OncodriveFM detects candidate cancer driver genes and pathways from catalogs of somatic mutations in a cohort of tumors by computing the bias towards the accumulation of functional mutations (FM bias).This novel approach ...
  • Mularoni, Loris; Sabarinathan, Radhakrishnan; González-Pérez, Abel; López Bigas, Núria; Déu Pons, Jordi (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2016-06-06)
    Method to identify genomic regions, both coding and non-coding, bearing mutations with significant shift towards high functional impact across a cohort of tumos (FMbias), which are candidates to function as cancer drivers, ...
  • Tamborero Noguera, David; Rubio Pérez, Carlota; Déu Pons, Jordi; Schroeder, Michael Philipp, 1986-; Vivancos Prellezo, Ana; Rovira Guerín, Ana; Tusquets, Ignasi; Albanell Mestres, Joan; Rodon, Jordi; Tabernero Cartula, Josep; Dienstman, Rodrigo; González-Pérez, Abel; López Bigas, Núria (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2016-01)
    Bioinformatics method to identify individual driver mutations.
  • Schroeder, Michael Philipp, 1986-; Rubio Pérez, Carlota; Tamborero Noguera, David; González-Pérez, Abel; López Bigas, Núria (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2014-06)
    Machine-learning based approach to classify cancer driver genes into to Activating or Loss of Function roles for cancer gene development.
  • Tamborero Noguera, David; López Bigas, Núria; González-Pérez, Abel; Rubio Pérez, Carlota; Déu Pons, Jordi (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2016-10-16)
    A tool aimed at the rational design of cancer gene panels. It estimates the cost-effectiveness of the designed panel on a cohort of tumors and provides reports on the importance of individual mutations for tumorigenesis ...
  • Déu Pons, Jordi (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2014-11)
    Onexus is a modular framework to manage the complete life cycle of data analyses. Data analyses follow these steps: analysis definition, analysis execution, results storing, results browsing and finally results publishing.

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