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Browsing Articles (Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions) by Author "Zamir, Syed Waqas"

Browsing Articles (Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions) by Author "Zamir, Syed Waqas"

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  • Zamir, Syed Waqas; Vazquez-Corral, Javier; Bertalmío, Marcelo (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017)
    Emerging display technologies are able to produce images with a much wider color gamut than those of conventional distribution gamuts for cinema and TV, creating an opportunity for the development of gamut extension ...
  • Zamir, Syed Waqas; Vazquez-Corral, Javier; Bertalmío, Marcelo (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
    Gamut mapping transforms the colors of an input/nimage to the colors of a target device so as to exploit the full/npotential of the rendering device in terms of color rendition. In/nthis paper we present spatial gamut ...
  • Zamir, Syed Waqas; Vazquez-Corral, Javier; Bertalmío, Marcelo (Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2017)
  • Zamir, Syed Waqas; Vazquez-Corral, Javier; Bertalmío, Marcelo (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2019)
    Gamut mapping is the problem of transforming the colors of image or video content so as to fully exploit the color palette ofthe display device where the content will be shown, while preserving the artistic intent of the ...

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