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Browsing Articles (Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions) by Author "Enns, James T."

Browsing Articles (Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions) by Author "Enns, James T."

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  • Sánchez García, Carolina, 1984-; Enns, James T.; Soto-Faraco, Salvador, 1970- (Springer, 2013)
    The sight of a speaker’s facial movements during the perception of a spoken message can benefit speech processing through online predictive mechanisms. Recent evidence suggests that these predictive mechanisms can operate ...
  • Sánchez García, Carolina, 1984-; Alsius, Agnès; Enns, James T.; Soto-Faraco, Salvador, 1970- (Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2011)
    Speech perception often benefits from vision of the speaker's lip movements when they are available. One potential mechanism underlying this reported gain in perception arising from audio-visual integration is on-line ...
  • Pesquita, Ana; Brennan, Allison A.; Enns, James T.; Soto-Faraco, Salvador, 1970- (Springer, 2013)
    The exploration of a familiar object by hand can benefit its identification by eye. What is unclear is how much this multisensory cross-talk reflects shared shape representations versus generic semantic associations. Here, ...

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