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Browsing Recerca: articles, congressos, llibres by Subject "e-Health"

Browsing Recerca: articles, congressos, llibres by Subject "e-Health"

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  • Martínez Agulleiro, Luis; Patil, Bhagyashree; Firth, Joseph; Sawyer, Chelsea; Amann, Benedikt Lorenz; Fonseca Casals, Francina, 1972-; Torrens, Marta; Pérez Solá, Victor; Castellanos, Francisco X.; Kane, John M.; Guinart, Dani (Cambridge University Press, 2023)
    Tobacco smoking is highly prevalent among patients with serious mental illness (SMI), with known deleterious consequences. Smoking cessation is therefore a prioritary public health challenge in SMI. In recent years, several ...
  • Minguillon, Jesus; Perez, Eduardo; Lopez-Gordo, Miguel Angel; Pelayo, Francisco; Sanchez-Carrion, Maria Jose (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2018)
    Currently, mental stress is a major problem in our society. It is related to a wide variety of diseases and is mainly caused by daily-life factors. The use of mobile technology for healthcare purposes has dramatically ...

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