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Browsing Recerca: articles, congressos, llibres by Subject "Weight regain"

Browsing Recerca: articles, congressos, llibres by Subject "Weight regain"

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  • Benaiges Foix, David; Bisbe Maria; Pedro-Botet, Juan Carlos; Vargas-Machuca, Aleix de; Ramón Moros, José Manuel; Pera Roman, Manuel Ramón; Villatoro Moreno, Montserrat; Fontane Francia, Laia; Julià, Helena; Climent Biescas, Elisenda; Castañer, Olga; Flores-Le-Roux, Juana Antonia; Goday Arno, Alberto (MDPI, 2020)
    To ascertain the 5-year metabolic effects of bariatric surgery in poor weight loss (WL) responders and establish associated factors. Methods: Retrospective analysis of a non-randomised prospective cohort of bariatric surgery ...

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