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Browsing Any: 2019 Num.: 13 (2019): by Subject "HISTORIA DEL CINE"

Browsing Any: 2019 Num.: 13 (2019): by Subject "HISTORIA DEL CINE"

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  • Parés, Luis E. (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2019)
    The article questions the problematic figuration of the corpse in the history of Spanish cinema and particularly in the genre of comedy. Starting with a verification of the centrality of death and its representations in ...
  • Aguilar, Gonzalo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2019)
    Cinema takes part in the tradition of rites for evoking the dead that are also rites of separation from their corpses. Once the image is formed, the corpse can be buried. Sometimes this image is a tombstone, ...

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