A newcomer to the world of franchising, the Rafa Nadal Academy, a center for tennis instruction, has grown rapidly over a period of four years, expanding to three new locations in the world, adding to the success of their flagship academy in Mallorca, Spain. While the Academy presses forward with new projects, at present it does not have a standardized and replicable franchise model for expanding internationally. This business plan ties together a series of assessment tools and practical measures ...
A newcomer to the world of franchising, the Rafa Nadal Academy, a center for tennis instruction, has grown rapidly over a period of four years, expanding to three new locations in the world, adding to the success of their flagship academy in Mallorca, Spain. While the Academy presses forward with new projects, at present it does not have a standardized and replicable franchise model for expanding internationally. This business plan ties together a series of assessment tools and practical measures in an effort to achieve an employable franchise model ready for use in the Singapore market.
The project builds on the early experiences of the Academy’s locations established in Spain, Greece, Mexico, and Kuwait. It pulls together a series of good practices of the Academy and provides strength to some weak areas of the present business model. Finally, based on the research and financial modeling, this business plan concludes that Singapore is an ideal location for the next Rafa Nadal Academy.