El presente trabajo pretende aproximarse a la ficción serial
contemporána a partir del formato “poemario”. En este sentido, los poemas se
construyen por la inspiración que determinadas escenas, secuencias y/o
imágenes de un corpus de obras seriales (Twin Peaks, Les Revenants, Six
Feet Under, Lost, etc) sugirieron a la autora durante la experiencia del
visionado. Titulado Dead Girl Show, el conjunto de poemas se esculpe en base
a aquellas narrativas seriales que se articulan a partir del asesinato ...
El presente trabajo pretende aproximarse a la ficción serial
contemporána a partir del formato “poemario”. En este sentido, los poemas se
construyen por la inspiración que determinadas escenas, secuencias y/o
imágenes de un corpus de obras seriales (Twin Peaks, Les Revenants, Six
Feet Under, Lost, etc) sugirieron a la autora durante la experiencia del
visionado. Titulado Dead Girl Show, el conjunto de poemas se esculpe en base
a aquellas narrativas seriales que se articulan a partir del asesinato de la joven,
sin por ello limitarse a una escritura reducida a tales narrativas. La mujer
muerta, la muerta que vuelve a la vida, la violencia y la muerte son ejes a partir
de los cuales se escriben y se organizan las distintas voces poéticas del
conjunto, que, a su vez, se estructura en formato episódico por la relación que
entabla el proyecto con la ficción serial contemporánea.
This work intends to approach contemporary serial fiction in a form
such as the poem. In this sense, the poems are built through the inspiration that
certain scenes, sequences, and/or images from a corpus of serial works (Twin
Peaks, Les Revenants, Six Feet Under, Lost, etc) suggested the author through
the viewing experience. Entitled Dead Girl Show, the conjunction of the poems
shapes through those serial narratives that articulate themselves through the
murder of a girl, even though they ...
This work intends to approach contemporary serial fiction in a form
such as the poem. In this sense, the poems are built through the inspiration that
certain scenes, sequences, and/or images from a corpus of serial works (Twin
Peaks, Les Revenants, Six Feet Under, Lost, etc) suggested the author through
the viewing experience. Entitled Dead Girl Show, the conjunction of the poems
shapes through those serial narratives that articulate themselves through the
murder of a girl, even though they are not limited to a scripture reduced to such
narratives. The murdered woman, the dead that come back to life, violence and
death are axis from which the different poetical voices of the whole are written
and organized. At the same time, the project articulates itself through an
episodic format related to the relationship that this stablishes with contemporary
serial fiction.