Este estudio se propone explorar las posibilidades que contiene el ensayar una imagen, una obra. En las representaciones cinematográficas del proceso creativo, al consistir en un constante repetir, retomar, probar y variar, construyen obras abiertas, oeuvres en train de se faire, que no llegan a clausurarse nunca. Esta apertura libera los significantes, relativizan los sentidos. Cuando vemos una imagen y luego la volvemos a ver, el espectador despierta y empieza a jugar con la obra.
This study wants to explore the possibilities of testing images. In the cinematographic representations of the creative process takes placerepetitions, variations, tests, retaking, trying out; this rehearsal’s experience provides an aperture of the piece,in this present time continuous of the art proceed the piece never concludes. The sense is relative, the significant released. When the spectator sees one time and another the same image, wakes up and start playing, testing, ...
This study wants to explore the possibilities of testing images. In the cinematographic representations of the creative process takes placerepetitions, variations, tests, retaking, trying out; this rehearsal’s experience provides an aperture of the piece,in this present time continuous of the art proceed the piece never concludes. The sense is relative, the significant released. When the spectator sees one time and another the same image, wakes up and start playing, testing, with the piece.