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Browsing Recerca: working papers, preprints, informes, etc. by Author "Navarro, Gaston"

Browsing Recerca: working papers, preprints, informes, etc. by Author "Navarro, Gaston"

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  • Ayres, João; Navarro, Gaston; Nicolini, Juan Pablo; Teles, Pedro (2016-06)
    In the standard model of sovereign default, as in Aguiar and Gopinath (2006) or Arellano (2008), default is driven by fundamentals alone. There is no independent role for expectations. We show that small variations of that ...
  • Ayres, João; Navarro, Gaston; Nicolini, Juan Pablo; Teles, Pedro (2018-02)
    In the standard model of sovereign default, as in Aguiar and Gopinath (2006) or Arellano (2008), default is driven by fundamentals alone. There is no independent role for expectations. We show that small variations of ...

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