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Browsing Master's Degree in Data Science by Subject "Treball de fi de màster – Curs 2017-2018"

Browsing Master's Degree in Data Science by Subject "Treball de fi de màster – Curs 2017-2018"

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  • Costa, Michele; Marschall, Laurits; Mirsadeghi, Seyed Hamed; Sanctis, Alessandro de (2018)
    The main goal of our Master Project is to predict intraday stock market movements using two different kinds of input features: financial indicators and sentiments from news and tweets. While the former are part of the ...
  • Hao, Kwa Jie (2018)
    Hierarchical modeling is a practical approach with proven results in modeling real world data. This paper studies Gaussian hierarchical models and methods which exploit the sparse conditional independence structure of such ...

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